Dropping Anchor

August 31, 2018
Peter Nelson
Today we begin a sermon series that asks, “What do we believe?”  Or put it this way:  “In this day of slanted stories, polarized politics, fake news, and ‘true for you but not for me,’ how can we make sure we really know where we stand when it comes to our essential message?”  Or this way:  “Where do we put down anchor in today’s raging sea of deception and spin and incessant online blabbering?” Let me ask the question by quoting Scripture:  How do we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature ...

The Journey Home

August 24, 2018
Peter Nelson
One of the highlights of my summer was reading Pilgrim’s Progress and discussing it weekly with a group of Goshen brothers.  John Bunyan wrote his remarkable allegory about the Christian’s journey home to the Celestial City in 1678.  His writing has that old English feel, and yet it is so very timely and relevant today. A few of major themes in this classic spiritual travelogue are:  1) The book—guid­ance from God’s book is all-important for staying on the path.  2) Temptations to “go back” keep popping up—to turn away from Jesus and seek ...