Women live pressure-packed lives in our culture.  It's all too easy to find yourself alone--isolated from meaningful, life-giving relationships and distanced from the Life-Giver. The desire of the women's ministry at Goshen is to purposefully connect women for spiritual growth and unity in the faith.  We meet together in various formats to allow God to move among us.  Please join us as we gather to be refreshed around the Fountain of Life - through study of God's Word, laughter, prayer and friendship.


We are excited to dig into God's Word together again this year.  Please join us on Tuesdays (September through May) for one of the great pleasures in life:  reflecting on the life-giving words of Scripture with dear friends.  Click here for information on our Winter/Spring 2024 studies.  Additionally, we have an Monday evening group meeting via zoom--contact Arlene Flye for info.


A mentoring/discipleship group is available for women in their 20s. Recognizing that this is a decade filled with promise, potential and unique challenges, our aim is to nurture young women as they shape their identify and calling around the Lord Jesus.  If interested, please contact Katie James.

A second mentoring group is available for moms of teens.  This group meets monthly and is led by Molly O'Leary and Linda Nixon.

"The water that I will give her will become in her a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

~ John 4:14 ~