Children's Ministry Message, November 27, 2022

November 28, 2022
Lori Herson
From the garden of Eden to the great restoration of the last days, men and women have attempted to hide themselves from God, seeking safety and avoidance of the consequences of sin due to those who think, speak, and act contrary to God’s good design. We first find this in the garden following the initial sin of Adam and Eve. After seeking their own pleasure, satisfaction, and authority, they felt the onset of conviction over their sin. Their solution to this sense of wrongdoing was to hide from the One who made them, loved them, and had ...

Awestruck at Advent

November 23, 2022
Peter Nelson
This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, and Christmas is not far off.  So be warned:  don’t let the flurry of the season gobble you up; make time to be still to let the splendor of Advent sink in. That the Son of God should enter into human life is staggering.  Think of it:  the Creator steps into the realm he created!  What’s more, the incarnation was the vanguard of heaven’s search and rescue operation:  Jesus came “to seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10).  “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his ...

Bible Memory--Matthew

November 22, 2022
Peter Nelson
Bible Memory:  Gospel of Matthew Goshen Baptist Church -- 2022-2023 “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11). As we walk with Jesus together during the sermon series on the Gospel according to Matthew, you are encouraged and challenged to memorize a verse from each chapter as the series unfolds: “[Mary] will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews?  For we saw his ...

Children's Ministry Message, November 20, 2022

November 21, 2022
Lori Herson
Throughout 2 Chronicles 36, it is easy to see that God is the one who raises up and removes kings and rulers and all who are in authority. But this reality can sometimes shake us in profound ways. It may cause us to ask why. This question is fair considering that we often see rulers who don’t love God making decisions that display their lack of belief in God, and it is hard to imagine that God is the One who placed them in leadership. Why would God allow bad leaders to be in charge? This is a tough question, but Scripture speaks to it in ...

Vertical Gratitude

November 18, 2022
Peter Nelson
The Bible’s call to gratitude is overwhelmingly vertical:  we’re charged and moved to thank GOD.  Of course, it’s right and good to thank to each other; gratitude toward family and friends and our fellow church members is a vital ingred­i­ent in spiritually maturing relation­ships.  But thanks to God is primary!  Consider: I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart… (Ps 9:1). I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to you among the nations (Ps 57:9—thanks as witness). I give thanks to you, O ...

Children's Ministry Update, December 13, 2022

November 14, 2022
Lori Herson
Our hyper-vigilant culture is full of warnings: warnings of what will happen if you take certain medicines, warnings not to use forbidden words in particular places, authoritative warnings against actions deemed inappropriate or illegal, and many more. Though at times these warnings may feel harsh, unnecessary, or far too limiting, they exist to guide people to right decisions that are often best for them and the people around them. The same is true with the warnings we find in the Bible, both those directed toward people in a particular ...

Divine Compassion for the World

November 11, 2022
Peter Nelson
Our Fall Focus on Missions these last two weeks featured an emphasis on the heart of God for the lost:  "God so loved the world..." (John 3:16).  The Lord holds open the doors, and he reaches out to invite any and all to turn to him in faith and be saved (2 Peter 3:8-9). On October 30, Pastor Josh Crans took us to Matthew 9:35-38, helping us to see the compassion of Jesus as he looked out upon a lost world--so many people like sheep without a shepherd, harrassed and helpless.  Do we see our neighbors near and far in this same way?  You can ...

A Dose of Reality

November 11, 2022
Peter Nelson
The impression I’ve gotten from the news this week is that the only thing going on in the universe is the USA Election.  So to help us see reality more clearly, let’s pause and look beyond our borders, and follow the trail of Bible texts showing God’s heart for all nations—for all tribes and languages and ethnic groups everywhere.  As you read, pray that God will give you (and us) his vision for the world: God says to Abraham: “In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Genesis 12:3). *** A purpose for the crossing of the Red ...

Children's Ministry Update, Nov. 6, 2022

November 07, 2022
If we spend time contemplating what it means to belong to Jesus, the reality is a mystery. How can we who are sinners be forgiven and redeemed? The more we recognize the depth and darkness of our own sin, the greater we understand the magnitude of God’s gift to us: Through His Son, He reached down to display His great love and mercy. Because of Jesus’ wounds, we can have full and forever forgiveness. The Book of Jonah demonstrates this powerful truth on at least two occasions. One is highlighted in Jonah’s prayer in the midst of his ...

No Place Like Sports

November 03, 2022
Peter Nelson
A new ESPN commercial has the tag line, “There’s No Place Like Sports:  A Seat for Everyone.”  You see scene after scene of all kinds of different people connecting through sports:  fans in the stands all dressed in the team colors, fervor flowing from crowd to athlete and athlete to crowd, and a widely diverse array of folks all on the same page for the same cause—people whose paths in life might otherwise never cross.  But sports unites them. They say, “Where else do we all dream the same dream?”  “Where else is there a seat for ...

Children's Ministry Update, October 30, 2022

November 01, 2022
Lori Herson
The popularity of true crime shows reveals something interesting about people. Whether it be a television show, a streaming series, or a podcast, audiences love a good thrilling episode that takes you on a journey from the mind-captivating details of a crime, through the exploration of the evidence, to the identification of a suspect, and concluding with the resolution of who did it, how they did it, and whether or not they are found guilty. One shared characteristic between each story is this: there is no case if there is no evidence....