Goshen Baptist Church was once a small, stone building with deep windows, a white picket fence, and a few scattered shade trees at the intersection of Strasburg Road and West Chester Pike. That was 1827. John Quincy Adams was president and the town of West Chester was growing rapidly. Within the little stone church, a handful of Christians worshiped God, read the Bible, and listened to teaching that resounded with the work of the Holy Spirit.

Not much has changed. While the church itself is much larger now and a bit farther down the road, the community of Goshen Baptist Church continues to worship God, dig into scripture, and proclaim the love of Jesus Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit. Time has proven the lasting work of God in the lives of those who seek him. That small congregation in 1827 prayed that their little church would reach West Chester and the surrounding areas with the good news of new life through faith in Christ Jesus, and, well, here we are.

We rejoice in all that God has done and look forward to all that he will do in the future. Please join us as we continue to carry the wonderful message of Christ’s love to yet more generations!

Or, if you are considering the claims of Jesus and have yet to step into the story of God's grace, take some time and read through "Two Ways to Live."  A brief summary of "The Good News" is also available.  Or check out this video, "What Is Christianity?"  And for a different approach, see the Q&A summary of Christian belief available through the New City Catechism (available online, in print, and via (free) app)

To spell out our beliefs and ministry values more fully, we've put together the following documents.  Feel free to take a look:

Also, GBC is part of the 9Marks network of churches and is listed in The Gospel Coalition church directory.