November 23 2023
November 23 2023

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his love endures forever!” (Psalm 136:1).

As we move through this holiday weekend, I’m thinking back to the great day we had at Goshen last Sunday.  And I’m THANKFUL for the three disciples of Jesus who stood up to testify and be baptized (you can watch again—testimonies here, and baptisms here)!

And I’m GRATEFUL as well for the visit from Shelby Abbott, our guest preacher, who serves with FamilyLife.  In case you missed our worship gathering, let me encourage you to listen to Shelby’s powerful, challenging, hopeful message from Scripture (Luke 14:25-33).

Also, in our conversation before Shelby’s sermon, we discussed his book, DoubtLess, and the podcast he hosts, “Real Life Loading.”  By all means, check out these excellent resources!  And don’t miss his personal website,

Joining you in thanking the Lord for the many blessings he has poured out on us AND the ways his grace will overflow upon his church in days to come!

Pastor Peter


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