December 23 2019
December 23 2019

Throughout the Old Testament, God reminded His people through the prophets of His promise to one day send a Rescuer. People cannot save themselves; instead, God planned to save sinners by sending His Son. God revealed that He would come from the family of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and He would bless the nations. (Gen. 12:3; 17:19; 28:14) He would come from David’s family, and His kingdom would last forever. (2 Sam. 7:12-13) He would be born in Bethlehem to a virgin. (Micah 5:2; Isa. 7:14)

But after God’s people returned home from exile in Judah, God was silent. For 400 years, God remained quiet. The silence was broken in Luke 1 when an angel told Zechariah he would have a son—John. John would be the forerunner of the Messiah, preparing people for the Promised One. At just the right time, Jesus was born. The Old Testament whispers, “He’s coming … He’s coming … He’s coming …” and the declaration of Luke 2 is, “He’s here!”

Help your kids understand the significance of Jesus’ birth. Jesus’ birth is not just the beginning; rather, it is a pivotal fulfillment in the story of God’s rescuing sinners. God’s people could not save themselves, so God came to them. This tiny baby was the hope of the world. He would grow up to show people what God is like and to lay down His life to provide forgiveness and eternal life to all who trust in Him.

After Jesus was born, an angel appeared to the shepherds and said, “Don’t be afraid, for look, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people: Today in the city of David a Savior was born for you, who is Messiah, the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11).

Jesus’ birth was God’s gracious gift to us—God with us, for His glory and our peace.

Jesus’ birth fulfilled the Old Testament prophecy. God the Son came into the world as Immanuel. Jesus was born to be “God with us” and to save people from sin.


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